Rob makes chunky soup with rice taquitos and burritos using pepper jack cheese. He starts by thickening and heating up the chunky soup, then adds cheese to make it cheesy. Rob also prepares corn tortillas for taquitos and larger tortillas for burritos. After cooking, he has a dozen taquitos and five burritos. While the taquitos are good, he suggests adding vegetables or hot sauce for more flavor.


  • 🍲 Rob makes chunky soup with rice taquitos and burritos with pepper jack cheese.
  • 🧀 He thickens and heats up the chunky soup before adding cheese.
  • 🌮 Corn tortillas are used for taquitos, and larger tortillas for burritos.
  • 🍽️ The final result is a dozen taquitos and five burritos.
  • 👍 Rob suggests adding veggies or hot sauce for extra flavor.

– 3 cans of chunky soup
– 4 cups white rice, cooked
– Your favorite cheese
– Small and large tortillas